August 2017

Time monitoring markets this week has certainly been divided by what has turned out to be a historic hurricane and flooding. Up here in Austin we were lucky to only experience a few days of rain while Rockport, Houston, and points in between and now beyond have taken a beating from this slow moving behemoth. Harvey is still at tropical storm levels, still hammering away, and looking to head east.

Rather than sharing our thoughts on what's happening with the markets this week we thought we'd share some numbers and links that might be useful to those affected by Harvey and for those looking for ways to help. These are just a handful that we've seen and admittedly mostly for Houston because we've got such a large contingency of family and friends in the area. If there's anything we can do, don't hesitate to give us a call.

Please be safe out there folks.

Emergency Contact Info source

Phone numbers:

Houston Police Department: 311 or 713-884-3131

Houston Fire Department: 311
*If you are awaiting rescue, prominently display a towel or sheet from a door or window so we can spot you. Addresses are tough to spot.

United States Coast Guard:


Center Point Energy: 713-207-2222

Texas United Way: 211

Registration - 1-800-621-3362

National Emergency Child Locator Center: 1-866-908-9570

American Red Cross: 1-800-RED-CROSS

Disaster Distress Hotline: 1-800-985-5990


FEMA - Registration: Click here to register with FEMA

American Red Cross -Registration: Click here to check in with the American Red Cross

American Red Cross - Shelter: Click here to for a list of shelters

American Red Cross -Volunteer: Click here to volunteer

Neighborhood Evac and Emergency Shelter Information

General Information:

National Weather Service sites to watchs:

Where to Donate:

Where to Volunteer:

If You Evacuate:

  • Leave as soon as instructed to and follow the instructions of officials
  • Determine safe evacuation routes
  • Pack essential items including medicine, important documents, first aid kits, blankets, pillows, phone chargers, critical contacts information, basic need equipment such as glasses or contacts
  • Take your pets with you, don’t forget your pet’s food and medication
  • Secure your home by locking all doors and windows
  • Shut off your homes utilities
  • Unplug electrical equipment including appliances, TV’s,and radios
  • Take your vehicle and house keys with yo